CatRescue 901

Spey or Castrate Now!
Desexing cats (and other companion animals) is one sure way to guarantee that fewer animals will end up in council pounds or shelters. This simple procedure will make a difference to the lives of so many animals who would otherwise face destruction purely because there are too many animals born and not enough homes.
Desexing is also vital for maintaining an animal’s health, increasing their lifespan and preventing antisocial behaviour, and preventing potentially fatal infections. You can learn more on our benefits of desexing page.
Everyone can play a part in solving the tragedy of unwanted animals by simply desexing their pets, encouraging their friends and family to do the same, and by desexing any stray cats in their area. Please read through the articles in this section of our website to learn more or how you can apply for subsidised desexing.
Just imagine if everyone desexed their pets – the suffering it would prevent and the lives it would save.
How can you help us help the cats?
Our Vets
CatRescue 901 would like to acknowledge our dedicated vets. We could not operate without these vets and their dedication to, and respect for, our rescued felines. Please support the vets who support rescue. See all vets click here.
Our Sponsors
CatRescue 901 would like the thank the generosity of our corporate sponsors for making our life saving work possible. We are indebted to them for their support. Please consider using their services. See all sponsors click here.
CatRescue 901 is a registered charity CFN 23215 with Tax Deductible Gift Recipient status.
ABN 47 167 228 980