CatRescue 901

Foster Carer Information
CatRescue 901 is a very well known and respected rescue group and we usually have about 30 to 40 foster carers in our team. We only work with dedicated CatRescue 901 foster carers and our foster carers do not foster with any other group whilst they have our cats in their care.
CatRescue 901 pays for all vet costs at our own vets, and you must obtain vet authorisation from us prior to attending one of our vets. You’ll need to have reliable access to a car for vet visits, etc.
With the exception of specialised carers who hand feed and/or care for mums and babies, our foster carers only have one or two foster felines in their care at any time. We focus on high quality care.
We ask that our foster carers stay in regular contact with us and we are here to support you and ensure you are in a position to offer a high standard of care to the kittens/cats in your care.
If you are going to ask for landlord permission in order to foster, please do so before contacting us. You can tell the landlord that you will be fostering older kittens or cats that are already litter box and scratching post trained if this is an issue.
Foster Carers Provide
• Litter trays
• Breeders Choice recycled paper litter
• Food including raw, wet and dry (will be specific so please await instructions)
NOTE: We feed mostly raw, with some wet for variety and a few dental biscuits a day. We only use specific brands and are grain free with no dried food other than the 4-5 dental biscuits a day
• Revolution or Advocate flea and worming treatment when needed (can be provided if needed)
• Milbemax all wormer (can be provided if needed)
• Sisal (not carpet) scratching post and toys
If you have more than 2 cats or kittens, CatRescue 901 will help provide food.
Process to become a foster carer
Please read all the points listed below that form part of our agreement when you foster with us. If you are happy to proceed, fill out the form below and we will call you.
1. I agree to accept the cat/s and/or kitten/s into my care, as a CatRescue 901 Foster Carer, until the animal/s is/are permanently adopted (Fostering Period). If the adoption fails, I understand the cat/s and or kitten/s may be returned into my care at CatRescue 901’s discretion.
2. When I receive the animal/s I agree to accept the animal/s in its./their current condition, health and behaviour. I have not relied upon any representation by CatRescue 901 in deciding to foster the animal. If I have any concerns re animals’ health or behaviour, I will contact my CatRescue 901 Coordinator immediately.
Conditions of care
3. I understand that foster cats must be indoor only and never allowed outside or on balconies under any circumstances. I also understand that the CatRescue 901 rehoming policy is indoor only.
4. I agree to maintain and house the animal/s in conditions explained to me by CatRescue 901. The animal/s we are fostering will become a member of our family and, as such, will be cared for with the comforts of home.
5. I agree to only maintain foster care for the number of animals agreed (capacity) with CatRescue 901 and to not take on additional animals into my care without the prior written consent of CatRescue 901. I agree to only foster for CatRescue 901 and no other agency.
6. The information I have provided to CatRescue 901 as to the property on which is animal/s is/are to be housed, and my ability to maintain the animal/s in property health is true and not misleading in any way.
7. I understand that CatRescue 901 may, before or during the Fostering Period, inspect the property on which the animal is to be housed to ensure the animals’ safety and security and that, as a result of this inspection, I may be requested by CatRescue 901 to return animal/s. I agree to return the animal/s if requested and to do so at a mutually convenient time and place.
8. I agree to continue any medical treatment for animals as instructed to do so by CatRescue 901.
9. I understand that all day to day costs associated with the care of the animal/s are my responsibility and cost. This includes food, litter and flea and worming treatments as recommended by CatRescue 901.
10. I understand that, subject to prior approval at a CatRescue 901 approved vet, any veterinary costs for the animal/s will be covered by CatRescue 901.
11. I understand that if the animal is due for annual vaccination I must contact CatRescue 901. I agree to take the animal/s to a vet appointed by CatRescue 901 for vaccinations and I understand this cost will be covered by CatRescue 901.
Regular contact
12. I agree to make regular weekly contact with the CatRescue 901 Foster Coordinator to provide an update on the well being of CatRescue 901 animals in my care.
13. I agree to contact the CatRescue 901 Foster Coordinator IMMEDIATELY if the animal is sick, injured, lost, has toileting issues or experiences difficulties settling in.
14. I agree to advise my CatRescue 901 Foster Coordinator should any veterinary treatment be required by the animal/s in my care. I understand that veterinary costs will be covered by CatRescue 901 but ONLY with PRIOR APPROVAL from my Foster Coordinator.
Adoption enquiries
15. I understand that should the Foster Coordinator receive adoption enquiries about the animal/s in my care I will be contacted and I should contact the potential adopter straight away, even if it can only by via sms if I am at work, to make contact. If I am not in a position to make an appointment immediately, I will endeavour to make contact again the same day to organise an appointment for the potential adopter to meet my foster cat/s at a time mutually convenient, but as soon as possible.
16. I agree to make the animal/s promptly available for inspection at the very earliest mutually agreeable time and I agree to actively participate in the inspection by:
- Providing the potential adopter with relevant information about the animal/s temperament and needs to enable that person to make an informed choice.
- Providing the potential adopter with two Trial Adoption Forms to complete. I will give the adopter one form to keep and I will email the Foster Coordinator a copy and also post the hard copy to the Foster Coordinator. I will have the adopter sign the Trial Adoptions Forms and Change of Owner Form.
17. I agree that I will make the animal/s available if requested by the Foster Coordinator for any CatRescue 901 promotion or adoption drives.
18. I understand that, should I be interested in adopting the animal/s in my care, I am subject to the same conditions as any adopter and it will be at the discretion of the Foster Coordinator to decide if it is appropriate for the Foster Carer to adopt the animal/s in their care.
Return of animal/s
19. I agree to return the animal/s to CatRescue 901 unconditionally and urgently upon request.
20. If during the Fostering Period I feel the animal is unsuitable for any reason, I will contact my Foster Coordinator and arrange a mutually convenient time to return him/her to CatRescue 901.
21. I indemnify CatRescue 901, its Directors, employees and volunteers for any liability, costs or expenses which arise as a result of my actions or omissions (including negligence) of the animal/s’ condition, health or behaviour and acknowledge that I and not CatRescue 901 am responsible for the animal/s behaviour and health whilst in my care.
22. I have read, understood and agreed to the terms contained within this CatRescue 901 Foster Carer Agreement.
23. I will notify CatRescue 901 immediately of any change to the contact details recorded above.
I undertake that
24. I am 18 years of age or older and have read, understood and agreed to the terms above.
How can you help us help the cats?
Our Vets
CatRescue 901 would like to acknowledge our dedicated vets. We could not operate without these vets and their dedication to, and respect for, our rescued felines. Please support the vets who support rescue. See all vets click here.
Our Sponsors
CatRescue 901 would like the thank the generosity of our corporate sponsors for making our life saving work possible. We are indebted to them for their support. Please consider using their services. See all sponsors click here.
CatRescue 901 is a registered charity CFN 23215 with Tax Deductible Gift Recipient status.
ABN 47 167 228 980