CatRescue 901

Finding a Stray Cat or Kittens
If you have found new kittens, please leave them and observe for at least 4 hours before taking. Mums go off to find food and can leave kittens for quite a while.
What you can do if you find stray kittens or cats
Very sadly, in Sydney, stray cats – mums with babies, adult cats, orphaned babies – are being found everywhere in large numbers. Rescue is unable to absorb all the strays anymore. If you want to help the cats, you will likely have to be proactive in the process. Rescuers are mostly overworked volunteers who have full time jobs. Same with the people who feed colonies and carry out TNR in their areas.

People are creating this awful issue for the cats. Many will not desex then they chuck their cats out the door when they get pregnant. The numbers of strays are overwhelming the in the western suburbs of Sydney particularly and growing in all areas of Sydney every year.
IF YOU ONLY HAVE ONE OR TWO STRAYS – ACT NOW BEFORE YOU HAVE 10 THEN 20 AND 30. It doesn’t take long for that to happen.
FRIENDLY CATS – Friendly cats can be rehomed but it gets harder if they are shy as not many people are willing to adopt shyer cats. Contact your local rescue groups, Animal Welfare League, RSPCA, Cat Protection Society – you might luck out and find one has a space. Generally, rescue is full all the time. If someone has a space in a while, get the cat Desexed while waiting so you don’t end up with kittens. Please note however, that not all groups (including the RSPCA) are No-Kill. So we suggest getting clarification when you contact any group that, if they agree to take in the cat or kittens, what will they do with them.
UNFRIENDLY CATS – CANNOT be rehomed. Rescuers who take in unfriendly cats are often hoarders so be extremely careful and do your homework before handing over an unsocialised (feral) cat to anyone. The cat will not be better off. Only hand over if you are confident the cat is going to get one on one care in the home of an experienced foster carer as an only cat or only with a few other cats. A year or two later the cat may be social enough to find a home and it’s only a maybe. There is no guarantee. This is why most rescuers recommend TNR for unsocialised cats. ALL shelters/pounds will kill unfriendly cats – even those who purport to be No-Kill.

What’s involved with trap neuter release/return
Here is some helpful information from Alley Cat Allies worth reading
Some info on trapping for trap neuter release/return
Any cat who is not very friendly and cannot be picked up MUST go to the vet in a trap. This is to protect the vet staff and potentially the cat.
You must ring vet and discuss that you are trying to trap and ask what their procedures are for bringing the cat in once trapped. If you agree on a day, YOU MUST ring vet if you didn’t catch the cat and let them know.
You MUST let vet know if you have a desexing voucher.
Basics of trapping
- Cat must be hungry to be lured into a trap
- Trap must NEVER be left unattended.
- Trap must be completely covered as soon as the cat is trapped. This instantly calms the cat. Cats can injure themselves badly when they are trapped because they tend to go berserk.
- Give cat an extra feed at 9pm and remove any remaining food at 10pm. Water stays with cat overnight and remove first thing in morning.
You will need to keep the cat safe after trapping before going to the vet and post desexing
- Get a yoga mat. This are wonderful to put under the trap to keep the cat insulated. They are very easy to clean. $5 from Target or Kmart.
- Completely cover with a sheet if weather warm and a blanket if weather cold leaving a small area open at bottom of cage away from cat for air flow but cat should still feel fully covered.
- Keep cat in garage or similar overnight if trapped out of hours. Cat must be undercover at comfortable temperature. Give food at 9.00pm and water and remove food at 10pm and remove water in morning.
Post desexing – must have water all the time and food twice a day at least
Males – should be kept a minimum of 24 to 48 hours to heal before being released.
Females – should be kept for 3 full days to heal. We have seen cats released too early and their stitches come apart and their insides then come out. If a cat has had a flank spay (cut on the side but very few vets do this style of desexing) you can possibly release in 2 days but check with vet. If cat was pregnant and had a larger cut it is vital to keep for the full time but again check with vet as there may be some cases the vet would prefer the cat is kept for longer
How can you help us help the cats?
Our Vets
CatRescue 901 would like to acknowledge our dedicated vets. We could not operate without these vets and their dedication to, and respect for, our rescued felines. Please support the vets who support rescue. See all vets click here.
Our Sponsors
CatRescue 901 would like the thank the generosity of our corporate sponsors for making our life saving work possible. We are indebted to them for their support. Please consider using their services. See all sponsors click here.
CatRescue 901 is a registered charity CFN 23215 with Tax Deductible Gift Recipient status.
ABN 47 167 228 980